Medical Data Carrier ID Tag, Standard, Unpackaged

Medical Data Carrier (MDC) is a unique, bilingual, medical information system that provides critical lifesaving data about the wearer, and crucial emergency contact information in the event of an emergency. Inside, a two-sided, waterproof paper contains information on the wearer’s identity and medical history including information such as allergies, medications, blood type and pre-existing medical conditions, that assists first responders with the crucial triage stage of the wearer’s care.

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    Medical Data Carrier (MDC) is a unique, bilingual, medical information system that provides critical lifesaving data about the wearer, and crucial emergency contact information in the event of an emergency. Inside, a two-sided, waterproof paper contains information on the wearer’s identity and medical history including information such as allergies, medications, blood type and pre-existing medical conditions, that assists first responders with the crucial triage stage of the wearer’s care.


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